"You're building the future. Please build the one you want to live in." – A CLEAN WORLD with CLEAN ENERGY...
Throughout the last 17 years Mission Energy Foundation have delivered successful platforms of knowledge dissemination on various subjects like Gasification, Hydrogen, Waste-to-Energy, Fly Ash Utilization, Biomass, Solar and Wind gathering who's who from Entrepreneurs to Academicians to Government Authorities to Technology Providers to Consultants to Industry Professionals from the growing energy sector globally.
Mission Energy Foundation also strives to begins new ways to demonstrate its commitment with a core objective to inform, educate, enlighten and enrich knowledge of industry professionals from the growing energy sector globally.
The foremost value of 3 Sawal – Seede Jawab is as a utility to empower the informed and thus to provide industry professions with the information they need to make the best possible decisions to recreate A CLEAN WORLD with CLEAN ENERGY...
3 Sawal – Seede Jawab is here to serve three purposes
- to educate
- to enlighten
- and to persuade
The channel is important, as it shall take our view to the world, and in response the industry professionals will take action and make choices based on how they perceive the future world to be, A CLEAN WORLD with CLEAN ENERY and make industry professionals feel connected.
The channel shall take views and experiences of industry professions and government authorities every week after week with a short format of just 3 questions resulting crisp and to the point answers that the world needs.
The channel is important, as it shall take our view to the world, and in response the industry professionals will take action and make choices based on how they perceive the future world to be, A CLEAN WORLD with CLEAN ENERY and make industry professionals feel connected.