25 - 26 July 2024
Hyatt Centric - New Delhi


Currently India has 27,000 megawatts of thermal power under construction. About 12,000 megawatts which have been bid out. About 19,000 megawatts are under various stages of clearances. By 2030, India will have added 90 gigawatts. In renewable, India already has a renewable energy capacity of 181,000 megawatts. We now have 1,30,000 megawatts under construction. We have about 71,000 megawatts under bid. In hydro, we have about 18,000 megawatts under construction. We also have about 15,000 megawatts which are under surveys and investigation.

1,89,052 circuit kilometres (ckm) of transmission lines, 6,88,142 MVA of Transformation capacity and 80,590 MW of inter- regional capacity have been added, connecting the whole country into one grid running on one frequency with the capability of transferring 1,16,540 MW from one corner of the country to another.

Meeting these goals will lead to huge regulatory challenges for Power producers in India.

The power sector in India is heavily regulated by various government agencies and bodies at both the central and state levels due to its critical role in providing electricity, which is essential for economic development, public welfare, and national security. Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) and State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERC) regulate tariff for generation, supply, transmission and wheeling of electricity. Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), State Pollution Control Boards (SPCB) are responsible for implementation of legislations relating to prevention and control of environmental pollution.

Regulatory affairs in the power sector are vital for ensuring compliance with regulations, navigating complex regulatory environments, and shaping policies that promote the efficient, reliable, and sustainable generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity.

The Power sector regulatory affairs deal with the regulatory requirements for setting up and running of Power Plants. This field is facing a myriad of forces impacting all aspects of the growth and development of the Power sector. Changes in global megatrends, such as geopolitical shifts and the rise of the green economy, have emphasised the importance of power security, and reducing the environmental impacts it brings. An ever-increasing population has meant that India has always had a great demand which supply has been unable to meet effectively. However, rapid changes due to advances in technology, digital disruption, and innovative solutions means India will not only meet that demand but in fact be able to export the excess.


Government Policies & Initiatives

Power plants in India face several regulatory challenges that impact their operations, expansion, and compliance with environmental and safety standards. Some of the key regulatory challenges affecting power plants in India include:

Environmental Regulations: Power plants in India are subject to stringent environmental regulations aimed at reducing air and water pollution, conserving natural resources, and mitigating climate change. Compliance with emission norms for pollutants such as sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM), and mercury poses significant challenges for both existing and new power plants. Ensuring compliance with emission limits requires investment in pollution control technologies and continuous monitoring of emissions.

Land Acquisition and Permitting:
Acquiring land for power plant construction and obtaining necessary permits and approvals from government authorities can be time-consuming and complex processes in India. Delays in land acquisition and permitting can lead to project delays, cost overruns, and operational challenges for power plant developers.

Fuel Supply and Pricing: Availability and pricing of fuel, particularly coal and natural gas, are critical challenges for thermal power plants in India. Dependency on imported coal and fluctuating fuel prices can affect the economics of power generation and lead to financial stress for power producers. Policy interventions and regulatory reforms to ensure reliable fuel supply, promote domestic coal production, and stabilize fuel prices are essential to mitigate these challenges.

Renewable Energy Integration: The rapid growth of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, presents integration challenges for conventional thermal power plants in India. Variability and intermittency of renewable energy generation require thermal power plants to operate flexibly to maintain grid stability and balance supply and demand. Regulatory frameworks and grid infrastructure upgrades are needed to facilitate the seamless integration of renewable energy into the power grid.

Water Availability and Cooling Technologies: Water scarcity and environmental concerns related to water consumption and discharge are significant challenges for thermal power plants, particularly those using once-through cooling systems. Compliance with water usage norms and adoption of water-efficient cooling technologies, such as dry cooling or hybrid cooling systems, require regulatory support and investment in infrastructure upgrades.

Financial Viability and Tariff Regulations: Regulatory uncertainty, tariff regulations, and payment delays by state-owned distribution utilities pose financial challenges for power plant developers and investors in India. Ensuring a stable regulatory framework, timely tariff revisions, and enforcement of payment mechanisms are essential to attract investment and maintain the financial viability of power projects.

Grid Infrastructure and Transmission Constraints: Inadequate grid infrastructure and transmission constraints affect the evacuation of power from generating stations to consumption centers, leading to grid congestion and curtailment of power generation. Regulatory reforms and investments in grid modernization and transmission infrastructure are necessary to address these challenges and enhance grid reliability and efficiency.

Compliance and Enforcement: Effective enforcement of regulatory standards, monitoring mechanisms, and compliance inspections are critical to ensuring that power plants adhere to environmental, safety, and operational regulations. Strengthening regulatory capacity, enhancing transparency, and imposing penalties for non-compliance are essential for maintaining regulatory integrity and promoting responsible operation of power plants.

Addressing these regulatory challenges requires coordinated efforts by policymakers, regulators, industry stakeholders, and civil society to create an enabling environment for sustainable and resilient power generation in India. Regulatory reforms, policy incentives, technological innovations, and capacity-building initiatives are essential to overcome these challenges and drive the transition towards a cleaner, more efficient, and inclusive energy sector.

In India, several government policies and regulations affect power plants, aiming to promote energy security, sustainability, and environmental protection. Some of the key policies and regulations include:

Electricity Act, 2003: The Electricity Act governs the generation, transmission, distribution, trading, and use of electricity in India. It aims to promote competition, efficiency, and sustainability in the power sector through measures such as open access, renewable purchase obligations (RPOs), and regulatory oversight.

National Electricity Policy, 2005: The National Electricity Policy provides guidelines and objectives for the development of the power sector in India. It emphasizes the promotion of renewable energy, energy efficiency, environmental sustainability, and universal access to electricity.

National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC): The NAPCC outlines India's strategy for addressing climate change and promoting sustainable development. It includes initiatives such as the National Solar Mission, National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency, and National Mission on Sustainable Habitat, which impact power generation and consumption patterns.

Renewable Energy Policies: Various policies and programs promote renewable energy development in India, including the National Solar Mission, National Wind Energy Mission, National Bioenergy Mission, and state-level renewable energy policies. These policies provide incentives, subsidies, and regulatory support to encourage investment in renewable energy projects.

Energy Conservation Act, 2001: The Energy Conservation Act aims to promote energy efficiency and conservation measures across sectors, including power generation, transmission, and distribution. It mandates energy audits, labeling of appliances, energy consumption standards, and energy conservation building codes.

Environmental Regulations: Power plants in India are subject to environmental regulations aimed at minimizing pollution and protecting natural resources. Key regulations include the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, and Hazardous Waste Management Rules.

Coal Mining and Coal Allocation Policies: Policies related to coal mining, allocation, and pricing impact coal-based power generation in India. The Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Act, 2015, and the Coal Mines (Nationalization) Act, 1973, govern coal mining activities, while coal allocation policies influence the availability and cost of coal for power plants.

Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs): PPAs between power producers and distribution utilities or consumers govern the sale and purchase of electricity generated by power plants. PPAs often include provisions related to tariffs, payment mechanisms, capacity utilization factors, and renewable energy purchase obligations.

Tariff Regulations: Power tariffs for different categories of consumers, including industrial, commercial, and residential, are regulated by state electricity regulatory commissions (SERCs) and the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC). Tariff regulations impact the revenue streams and financial viability of power plants.

Grid Connectivity and Interconnection Regulations: Regulations govern the technical and commercial aspects of grid connectivity and interconnection for power plants, ensuring seamless integration into the electricity grid and efficient operation of the power system.
These policies and regulations shape the operating environment for power plants in India, influencing investment decisions, technology choices, operational practices, and compliance requirements across the power sector. 


Two day conference on Regulatory Affairs for Power Sector is scheduled on 25 - 26 July 2024, Hyatt Centric - New Delhi. It aims to address the challenges faced by the Regulatory Department of Utility and Captive Power Plants in India.

This Regulatory Department is involved in the management of regulatory policies, compliance, and interactions with government agencies, industry organisations, and stakeholders.

However, understanding the norms and regulations is always a challenge. By bringing the key stakeholders together we aim resolve these challenges and help the Power Producers to meet all regulatory norms.

Who Should Participate?

- Regulators & Policy Makers
- Regulatory & Legal Department of Utilities and Power -      Producers
- Lawyers & Law Firms
- Industry Bodies and Business Chambers
- Research Institutes & Academia
- Environmentalists
- Technocrats & Consultants

What Topics are Covered?

- Policy Compliance
- Licensing and Permissions
- Tariff Regulation
- Grid Interconnection
- Compliance Reporting and Audits
- Technologies and Innovations
- Risk Management

Why Should You Attend?

- India's only conference on Regulatory & Legal for                  Power  Sector
- Special focus on Coal, Lignite, Gas, Hydro &                              Renewables.
- Opportunity to meet all stakeholders in Regulatory &          Legal.
- 2 Days of Value Packed Interactive Sessions
- Exclusive Regulatory Compliance Awards
- 25+ Technical Presentations
- 4+ Industry Case Studies
- 100+ Participants

Conference FOCUS AREA


Policy Compliance

Power plant policy compliance refers to the adherence of power plants to regulations, standards, and policies established by governmental authorities or regulatory bodies. Ensuring compliance with these policies is essential to mitigate environmental impacts, protect public health, and promote the sustainable operation of power generation facilities. Here's an overview of key aspects of power plant policy compliance:

Environmental Regulations: Power plants are subject to various environmental regulations governing emissions of pollutants such as sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM), mercury, and greenhouse gases (GHGs). Compliance with emissions standards requires the installation and operation of pollution control technologies, monitoring systems, and reporting mechanisms to track emissions and demonstrate compliance.

Permitting and Licensing: Power plants must obtain permits and licenses from regulatory authorities before construction, operation, or modification of facilities. Permitting processes typically involve environmental impact assessments, public consultations, and compliance with land use regulations, zoning laws, and other permitting requirements.

Renewable Energy Requirements: In jurisdictions with renewable energy mandates or targets, power plants may be required to generate a certain percentage of electricity from renewable sources, such as wind, solar, hydroelectric, or biomass. Compliance with renewable energy requirements may involve the procurement of renewable energy credits (RECs) or participation in renewable energy incentive programs.

Energy Efficiency Standards: Power plants may be subject to energy efficiency standards and requirements aimed at reducing energy consumption and improving efficiency. Compliance with energy efficiency standards may involve implementing energy-saving technologies, conducting energy audits, and reporting energy performance metrics.

Carbon Pricing and Emissions Trading: In jurisdictions with carbon pricing mechanisms, such as carbon taxes or cap-and-trade systems, power plants may be required to pay for carbon emissions or obtain allowances to cover their emissions. Compliance with carbon pricing regulations involves measuring, reporting, and, in some cases, reducing greenhouse gas emissions to comply with emission caps or pricing requirements.

Reporting and Monitoring: Power plants are often required to monitor and report emissions, operational data, and compliance status to regulatory authorities on a regular basis. Compliance reporting may include emissions inventories, monitoring data, compliance certifications, and other documentation to demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements.
Enforcement and Penalties: Regulatory agencies have the authority to enforce compliance with power plant policies through inspections, audits, and enforcement actions. Non-compliance with environmental regulations, permit conditions, or other legal requirements may result in penalties, fines, sanctions, or legal consequences for power plant operators.

Stakeholder Engagement and Public Disclosure: Power plants may engage with stakeholders, including local communities, environmental organizations, and public agencies, to address concerns, provide information, and demonstrate commitment to environmental stewardship. Public disclosure of compliance efforts, environmental performance data, and community engagement activities enhances transparency and accountability.

Ensuring compliance with power plant policies requires proactive management, robust environmental management systems, and a commitment to continuous improvement. By adhering to regulatory requirements and adopting best practices in environmental stewardship, power plants can minimize their environmental footprint and contribute to sustainable development goals. 


Licensing and Permissions

Licensing and permissions are essential components of the regulatory process that power plant developers must navigate before constructing and operating a power generation facility. These processes involve obtaining various permits, approvals, and licenses from governmental authorities and regulatory bodies. Here's an overview of the key steps involved in power plant

licensing and permissions: Pre-Application Consultation: Before initiating the formal licensing process, power plant developers typically engage in pre-application consultations with regulatory authorities to understand the regulatory requirements, environmental considerations, and permitting procedures applicable to their proposed project.

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): Many jurisdictions require power plant developers to conduct an environmental impact assessment to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of the proposed project. The EIA process involves identifying and assessing environmental risks, conducting stakeholder consultations, and preparing an environmental impact statement or report.

Permitting Process: The permitting process involves obtaining various permits, approvals, and authorizations from regulatory agencies. These permits may include environmental permits (e.g., air emissions permits, water discharge permits), land use permits, construction permits, zoning approvals, and other regulatory clearances.

Air Emissions Permits: Power plants emitting air pollutants such as sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM), and greenhouse gases (GHGs) are typically required to obtain air emissions permits from environmental regulatory agencies. These permits specify emission limits, monitoring requirements, and compliance obligations.

Water Permits: Power plants that withdraw water from surface or groundwater sources for cooling or other purposes may require water permits or water rights allocations from water management authorities. Water permits may include conditions for water use, discharge, water quality monitoring, and habitat protection.

Land Use and Zoning Approvals: Power plant developers must obtain approvals for land use and zoning compliance from local planning authorities or municipal governments. Zoning regulations may dictate permissible land uses, setbacks, height restrictions, and other land use considerations.

Grid Connection Approval: Power plants seeking to connect to the electrical grid must obtain grid connection approvals from grid operators or transmission system operators. Grid connection approvals ensure that the power plant's electrical infrastructure meets technical standards, grid stability requirements, and safety criteria.

Public Consultation and Stakeholder Engagement: Public consultation and stakeholder engagement are integral parts of the licensing process, particularly for projects with significant environmental or community impacts. Developers are often required to conduct public hearings, consultations, or information sessions to engage with affected stakeholders, address concerns, and gather feedback.

Construction Permits: Once all necessary approvals and permits are obtained, power plant developers can apply for construction permits to commence site preparation, construction activities, and installation of power generation equipment. Construction permits may include conditions for environmental protection, worker safety, noise mitigation, and traffic management.

Operational Licenses and Certifications: Before commencing operations, power plant operators must obtain operational licenses and certifications from regulatory authorities. These licenses may include operational permits, safety certifications, environmental compliance certificates, and other regulatory approvals required to operate the power plant legally and safely.
Navigating the licensing and permitting process for power plants requires careful planning, coordination with regulatory agencies, environmental assessments, stakeholder engagement, and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. By obtaining the necessary licenses and permissions, power plant developers can ensure regulatory compliance, minimize project delays, and mitigate risks associated with environmental and legal liabilities. 


Tariff Regulations

Power plant tariff regulation refers to the regulatory framework governing the pricing of electricity generated by power plants and the terms under which electricity is sold to consumers, utilities, or other market participants. Tariff regulation aims to ensure fairness, transparency, and efficiency in the electricity market while balancing the interests of producers, consumers, and the public. Here are some key aspects of power plant tariff regulation:

Cost-of-Service Regulation: In cost-of-service regulation, electricity tariffs are based on the costs incurred by power plants in generating and delivering electricity to consumers. Tariffs are set to cover the costs of fuel, operation and maintenance, capital investment, depreciation, taxes, and a reasonable rate of return for investors. Regulatory authorities review and approve tariffs through formal rate-setting processes to ensure that they are just and reasonable.

Rate-of-Return Regulation: Rate-of-return regulation allows power plants to earn a regulated rate of return on invested capital. Regulatory authorities determine the allowable rate of return based on factors such as the cost of capital, risk profile, and market conditions. Power plant tariffs are set to recover operating costs and provide a reasonable return on investment while protecting consumers from excessive prices.

Performance-Based Regulation: Performance-based regulation incentivizes power plants to achieve certain performance targets, such as efficiency improvements, emissions reductions, or reliability standards. Tariffs may be adjusted based on the achievement of performance metrics, encouraging power plants to invest in technology upgrades and operational improvements to enhance performance and reduce costs.

Feed-in Tariffs (FITs): Feed-in tariffs are fixed payments or premiums paid to renewable energy producers for the electricity they generate and feed into the grid. FITs are designed to promote investment in renewable energy projects by guaranteeing a stable and attractive price for renewable electricity, typically above market rates. Regulatory authorities establish FITs through legislation or regulatory orders to support the development of renewable energy sources.

Net Metering and Distributed Generation Tariffs: Net metering allows electricity consumers with rooftop solar panels or other distributed generation systems to offset their electricity consumption by exporting excess electricity back to the grid. Regulatory authorities establish tariffs and compensation mechanisms for net metering participants, ensuring fair compensation for exported electricity and cost recovery for utilities.

Time-of-Use (TOU) Tariffs: Time-of-use tariffs vary electricity prices based on the time of day or season, reflecting differences in electricity demand and generation costs. Peak and off-peak pricing encourages consumers to shift electricity usage to times of lower demand or higher renewable energy generation, reducing the need for costly peaking power plants and improving system efficiency.

Market-Based Pricing: In liberalized electricity markets, power plant tariffs are determined by supply and demand dynamics through competitive bidding, auctions, or bilateral contracts. Market-based pricing allows generators and consumers to negotiate prices directly, promoting efficiency, competition, and innovation in the electricity sector.
Regulatory Oversight and Review: Regulatory authorities oversee power plant tariff regulation to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, protect the interests of consumers, and promote economic efficiency in the electricity market. Regulatory reviews may involve public consultations, stakeholder engagement, and periodic assessments of tariff structures, pricing methodologies, and performance incentives.

Power plant tariff regulation plays a crucial role in shaping the economics of electricity generation, influencing investment decisions, and ensuring the affordability, reliability, and sustainability of electricity supply. By establishing fair and transparent tariff structures, regulatory authorities contribute to the efficient operation of the electricity market and the achievement of broader energy policy objectives. 


Grid Interconnection

Grid interconnection for power plants involves connecting the facility to the electrical grid, enabling the plant to transmit electricity to consumers and other interconnected power systems. Here's an overview of the grid interconnection process for power plants:

Pre-Application Studies: Before initiating the grid interconnection process, power plant developers typically conduct pre-application studies to assess the technical feasibility and economic viability of connecting the plant to the grid. These studies evaluate factors such as grid capacity, voltage levels, transmission infrastructure, grid stability, and system reliability.

Interconnection Request: The power plant developer submits an interconnection request to the grid operator or transmission system operator (TSO) responsible for managing the electrical grid. The interconnection request includes details such as the plant's location, capacity, technology, expected output, proposed connection point, and anticipated timeline for grid interconnection.

System Impact Study: The grid operator conducts a system impact study to assess the potential impacts of connecting the power plant to the grid. The study evaluates the effects of the plant's interconnection on grid stability, voltage levels, power flows, system protection, and reliability. It identifies any necessary upgrades or modifications to the grid infrastructure to accommodate the plant's interconnection.

Facility Study: Following the system impact study, the grid operator conducts a facility study to determine the specific technical requirements and equipment needed for the power plant's interconnection. The study may involve detailed engineering analysis, modeling, and simulations to ensure safe and reliable grid operation with the plant's integration.
Interconnection Agreement: Once the technical studies are completed and any necessary upgrades to the grid infrastructure are identified, the power plant developer negotiates an interconnection agreement with the grid operator. The agreement outlines the terms, conditions, responsibilities, and costs associated with the grid interconnection, including connection fees, operational requirements, and performance standards.

Construction and Commissioning: After obtaining regulatory approvals and finalizing the interconnection agreement, the power plant developer constructs the necessary interconnection facilities, such as transmission lines, transformers, switchgear, and protection systems. The interconnection facilities are then commissioned, tested, and integrated with the grid to ensure safe and reliable operation.

Grid Code Compliance: Power plants must comply with grid codes, technical standards, and operational requirements established by regulatory authorities or grid operators. Grid codes specify performance criteria, operating limits, fault ride-through requirements, and other technical specifications to ensure grid stability, interoperability, and reliability during normal and abnormal operating conditions.

Operation and Maintenance: Once the power plant is successfully interconnected with the grid, ongoing operation and maintenance activities are essential to ensure the reliable performance of the interconnection facilities. Regular monitoring, testing, and maintenance of interconnection equipment, as well as compliance with operational requirements, help minimize downtime and optimize grid performance.

Grid interconnection is a critical step in the development and operation of power plants, enabling them to deliver electricity to consumers efficiently and reliably while maintaining the stability and resilience of the electrical grid. Collaboration between power plant developers, grid operators, regulators, and other stakeholders is essential to facilitate smooth and successful grid interconnection processes. 


Compliance Reporting and Audits

Compliance reporting and audits are essential components of ensuring that power plants adhere to regulatory requirements, environmental standards, and operational guidelines. These processes involve monitoring, measuring, documenting, and verifying various aspects of power plant operations to demonstrate compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Here's an overview of compliance reporting and audit procedures for power plants:

Compliance Reporting:
a. Emissions Reporting: Power plants are required to monitor and report emissions of air pollutants, including sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM), mercury, and greenhouse gases (GHGs), to regulatory authorities. Emissions data is typically reported on a regular basis, such as monthly, quarterly, or annually, using standardized reporting formats and protocols.
b. Environmental Monitoring: Power plants conduct environmental monitoring to assess the impact of their operations on air quality, water quality, soil contamination, noise levels, and other environmental factors. Monitoring data is analyzed, compiled, and reported to regulatory agencies to demonstrate compliance with environmental standards and permit conditions.
c. Operational Data Reporting: Power plants report operational data related to plant performance, energy production, fuel consumption, water usage, waste generation, and other key metrics. This data helps regulatory authorities assess the efficiency, reliability, and environmental performance of power plant operations.
d. Compliance Certifications: Power plants may be required to submit compliance certifications or declarations to regulatory agencies, certifying that they have complied with relevant laws, regulations, permit conditions, and reporting requirements.
Compliance certifications are typically signed by responsible officials within the organization and submitted on a periodic basis.

Compliance Audits:
a. Internal Audits: Power plants conduct internal audits to evaluate compliance with regulatory requirements, environmental standards, and internal policies and procedures. Internal audit teams review documentation, records, procedures, and operational practices to identify areas of non-compliance, weaknesses, or opportunities for improvement.
b. Third-Party Audits: Regulatory authorities or independent third-party auditors may conduct compliance audits of power plants to verify compliance with legal requirements, permit conditions, and industry standards. Third-party audits may involve site inspections, document reviews, interviews with staff, and data verification exercises to assess compliance status.
c. Environmental Management Systems (EMS) Audits: Power plants with established environmental management systems, such as ISO 14001 certification, may undergo periodic audits to assess the effectiveness of their environmental management practices. EMS audits evaluate compliance with environmental objectives, targets, procedures, and legal requirements.
d. Risk-Based Audits: Compliance audits may be conducted on a risk-based approach, focusing on areas of highest environmental risk or regulatory scrutiny. Risk assessments help prioritize audit activities, allocate resources efficiently, and address compliance issues that pose the greatest potential impact or liability. 

Corrective Actions and Follow-Up:
a. Findings and Recommendations: Audit findings, non-conformities, and recommendations are documented in audit reports, along with corrective actions required to address identified deficiencies or areas of non-compliance.
b. Corrective Action Plans: Power plants develop corrective action plans to address audit findings and implement corrective measures to prevent recurrence of non-compliance. Corrective action plans include specific actions, responsibilities, timelines, and performance indicators to track progress and effectiveness.
c. Verification and Follow-Up: Follow-up audits or inspections may be conducted to verify the implementation and effectiveness of corrective actions. Regulatory authorities may review corrective action plans, audit reports, and documentation to ensure that non-compliance issues have been adequately addressed and resolved.
Compliance reporting and audits play a critical role in promoting transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement in power plant operations. By adhering to regulatory requirements, monitoring environmental performance, and addressing non-compliance issues promptly, power plants can minimize their environmental impact and maintain operational integrity. 


Technologies and Innovations

Technologies and innovations play a crucial role in ensuring power plant compliance with environmental regulations, emissions standards, and sustainability goals. Here are several technological solutions and innovations that power plants can utilize to enhance compliance:

Air Pollution Control Technologies: Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Systems: FGD systems remove sulfur dioxide (SO2) from flue gases by scrubbing with alkaline sorbents, such as limestone or lime, reducing emissions of sulfur oxides. Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Systems: SCR systems use catalysts to chemically reduce nitrogen oxides (NOx) into nitrogen and water vapor, reducing emissions of NOx from combustion processes. Electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) and fabric filters (baghouses) capture particulate matter (PM) from flue gases, reducing emissions of fine particles.

Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS):
Carbon Capture Systems: CCUS technologies capture carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from power plant flue gases, preventing them from being released into the atmosphere. Carbon Utilization and Storage: Captured CO2 can be utilized for enhanced oil recovery, converted into valuable products, or stored underground in geological formations for long-term sequestration.

Renewable Energy Integration:
Wind Power and Solar PV: Integrating wind turbines and solar photovoltaic (PV) panels into power plant operations diversifies the energy mix and reduces reliance on fossil fuels, helping to meet renewable energy targets. Utilizing hydropower and biomass energy sources can provide baseload or dispatchable renewable energy, further reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Energy Efficiency Improvements:
Advanced Combustion Technologies: High-efficiency, low-emission (HELE) technologies, such as supercritical and ultra-supercritical boilers, improve the efficiency of power generation and reduce emissions per unit of electricity produced. Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems capture waste heat from power generation processes for use in district heating, industrial processes, or space heating, increasing overall energy efficiency.

Smart Grid and Energy Storage:
Smart Grid Technologies: Smart grid systems enable real-time monitoring, control, and optimization of power generation, transmission, and distribution, enhancing grid stability, reliability, and efficiency. Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) technologies store excess electricity during periods of low demand and discharge it during peak demand periods, helping to balance supply and demand and integrate intermittent renewable energy sources.

Advanced Monitoring and Control Systems
Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS) continuously monitor pollutant emissions from power plant stacks, providing real-time data for compliance reporting and emissions management. Advanced control systems optimize power plant operations, fuel combustion, and emissions control processes to minimize environmental impacts and maximize efficiency.

Digitalization and Data Analytics:
Predictive maintenance algorithms use data analytics and machine learning techniques to predict equipment failures, optimize maintenance schedules, and reduce downtime, improving reliability and performance. Digital twins and simulation models simulate power plant operations, test scenarios, and optimize control strategies to maximize efficiency, reduce emissions, and meet regulatory requirements.

These technologies and innovations enable power plants to meet stringent compliance standards, reduce environmental impacts, and transition towards a more sustainable and resilient energy future. By investing in advanced technologies and adopting best practices, power plants can enhance their competitiveness, minimize risks, and contribute to global efforts to combat climate change and protect the environment. 


Risk Management

Risk management in power plants involves identifying, assessing, mitigating, and monitoring risks that could impact the safe, reliable, and efficient operation of the facility. Power plants face various types of risks, including operational, financial, regulatory, environmental, and safety risks. Effective risk management practices are essential to minimize the likelihood and impact of these risks and ensure the long-term viability of power generation operations. Here are key aspects of risk management in power plants:
Risk Identification: Power plant operators identify and assess potential risks across all aspects of plant operations, including generation, transmission, distribution, and maintenance. Common risks may include equipment failures, fuel supply disruptions, market volatility, regulatory changes, environmental compliance, natural disasters, and cybersecurity threats.

Risk Assessment: Once risks are identified, they are assessed in terms of their likelihood, potential impact, and severity. Quantitative and qualitative risk assessment techniques, such as risk matrices, scenario analysis, and fault tree analysis, may be used to prioritize risks based on their significance and develop risk mitigation strategies.

Risk Mitigation Strategies: Power plants implement risk mitigation strategies to reduce the likelihood or impact of identified risks. Mitigation measures may include preventive maintenance programs, equipment redundancy, contingency planning, insurance coverage, financial hedging, diversification of fuel sources, contractual arrangements, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Operational Risk Management: Operational risks relate to the day-to-day operation of the power plant, including plant performance, reliability, availability, and safety. Operators implement procedures, protocols, and best practices to manage operational risks effectively, such as regular maintenance, equipment inspections, staff training, emergency response plans, and safety protocols.

Financial Risk Management: Financial risks involve factors that could impact the financial performance and viability of the power plant, such as fluctuating fuel prices, currency exchange rates, interest rates, and revenue uncertainty. Financial risk management strategies may include hedging instruments, financial derivatives, forward contracts, and cost control measures to mitigate exposure to financial risks.

Regulatory Compliance: Power plants must comply with a wide range of environmental, health, safety, and operational regulations imposed by governmental authorities. Compliance risk management involves staying abreast of regulatory requirements, maintaining compliance programs, conducting audits, and implementing corrective actions to address compliance deficiencies.
Environmental Risk Management: Power plants face environmental risks associated with air emissions, water discharges, waste generation, and ecosystem impacts. Environmental risk management strategies focus on pollution prevention, emissions control technologies, environmental monitoring, environmental impact assessments, and stakeholder engagement to minimize environmental impacts and ensure compliance with regulations.

Safety and Health Risk Management: Power plant operations pose inherent risks to worker safety and health due to the presence of hazardous materials, high temperatures, and operating machinery. Safety risk management involves implementing safety protocols, providing personal protective equipment (PPE), conducting safety training, performing hazard assessments, and promoting a culture of safety throughout the organization.

Emergency Preparedness and Business Continuity: Power plants develop emergency response plans and business continuity strategies to address unforeseen events, such as natural disasters, equipment failures, or supply chain disruptions. These plans outline procedures for crisis management, disaster recovery, emergency evacuation, and communication with stakeholders to minimize disruption and ensure continuity of operations.

Continuous Monitoring and Review: Risk management is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring, review, and adaptation to changing conditions and emerging risks. Power plants regularly assess risk levels, evaluate the effectiveness of risk mitigation measures, and update risk management plans to maintain resilience and readiness in dynamic operating environments.
By implementing robust risk management practices, power plants can enhance operational efficiency, safeguard assets, protect stakeholders, and mitigate adverse impacts on the environment and communities. Effective risk management contributes to the long-term sustainability and resilience of power generation facilities in an increasingly complex and uncertain operating landscape. 


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+91 9769 310 944

Draft Agenda

Thursday, 25 July 2024

09.00 Hrs – 10.00 Hrs
Registration & Welcome Tea

10.00 Hrs – 10.30Hrs
Grid Regulations
Mrinal Shrivastava, Company Secretary and Compliance Officer - Power Grid Corporation of India Limited

10:30 - 11:00
Tariff Regulations
Prashant Kumar, Head Regulatory & Commercial,
Adani Transmission

11.00  Hrs – 11.30 Hrs
Networking Tea Break

11:30 - 12:00
Grid Regulations
Samir Chandra Saxena, ED - Grid Controller of India Limited

12:00 - 12:30
Tariff Regulations
Prashant Kumar, Head Regulatory & Commercial - Adani Transmission

12:30 - 13:00
Power Trading Regulations
Rohit Bajaj, ED - Indian Energy Exchange Ltd

13.00 Hrs – 14.00 Hrs
Networking Lunch Break

14:00 - 14:30
Coal Power Plant Regulations
Puneet Munjal, Independent Consultant

14:30 - 15:00
Hydro Power Plant Regulations
Kishore Kumar Singh, Vice President - Pumped Storage
& Hydro Projects - JSW Energy

15:00 - 15:30
Solar & Wind Plant Regulations
Jogendra Behera, Head - Regulatory Affairs & Policy Advocacy - Avaara Energy

15:30 - 16:00
Bio Energy Plant Regulations

16.00 Hrs – 16.30 Hrs
Networking Tea Break

16:30 - 17:00
Hydrogen Regulations 
Dharmendra Gupta, Regulatory & Govt. Affairs - O2 Power

17:00 - 17:30
Coal Gasification Regulations
Anoop Singh Juneja, VP & Group Company Secretary - Jindal Steel & Power

17:30 - 18:00
Energy Storage Regulations and its interplay with Resource Adequacy
Balawant Joshi, MD - Idam Infrastructure Advisory

18:00 Hrs
Networking Cocktail Snacks

Friday, 26 July 2024

09.00 Hrs – 10.00 Hrs
Registration & Welcome Tea

10.00 Hrs – 11.00Hrs
Which Regulations need to be reconsidered so that we can meet India's energy needs?

11.00 Hrs – 11.30 Hrs
Networking Tea Break

11:30 - 12:00
Environmental Regulations
Pramod Dabrase, Director - Centre For Sustainable Environment & Development Initiatives (CSEDI)

12:00 - 13:00
NCLT Regulations & Stressed Assets Valuation
Saunak Dey, AVP - Commercial Strategy | Corporate & Regulatory Affairs - Jindal India

13.00 Hrs – 14.00 Hrs
Networking Lunch Break

14:00 - 14:30
Health & Safety Regulations
Jithu Gopinath, GM HSE & Barnali Maitra, Head Technology - Momentum

14:30 - 15:00
Regulatory Data Reporting

15:00 - 15:30
Compliance Audit

15:30 - 16:00
Land Acquisition Regulations

16.00 Hrs – 16.30 Hrs
Networking Tea Break

16:30 - 17:30
Regulatory Compliance Awards – 2024

17:30 Hrs
Vote of Thanks & End of Conference

Regulatory Compliance Awards 2024

Mission Energy Foundation is proud to have honoured hundreds of innovative developments and solutions for excellence and sustainability among the utilities, small or large, who have demonstrated their efforts in generation of clean energy. 

The Regulatory Compliance Awards have been established to recognize power plants that demonstrate exceptional commitment to regulatory compliance, environmental stewardship, and safety excellence. This award would celebrate power plants that go above and beyond regulatory requirements to ensure the highest standards of environmental protection, operational safety, and community engagement.

The Regulatory Compliance Award program would not only recognize and celebrate exemplary compliance efforts but also inspire continuous improvement, innovation, and best practices across the power generation industry. By showcasing leadership in regulatory compliance and environmental stewardship, award recipients can serve as role models and catalysts for positive change within the industry.

The Regulatory Compliance Awards – 2024
, to catalyze significant and innovative practices in the energy sector, for facilitating compliance and sustainable growth of the Indian industry.

Evaluation Process

A 10 slide presentation must be submitted detailing the work done under the selected award category within a week from the date of online registration. Please attach copies of all supporting documents of claims made in the presentation. Only commissioned and live projects will be considered.

Regulatory Compliance Awards - Categories

Environment Compliance

This category honors power plants that achieve exemplary compliance with environmental regulations governing air emissions, water discharges, waste management, and ecosystem protection.

Criteria: Compliance with emissions limits, pollutant monitoring requirements, environmental impact assessments, and pollution prevention measures.

Project Set Up Compliance

The award recognizes power plant projects that demonstrate exceptional adherence to regulatory requirements, environmental standards, safety protocols, and best practices during the setup and construction phases.

Criteria: Compliance with legal obligations, minimize environmental impacts, ensure worker safety, and uphold ethical standards throughout the project lifecycle. 

Technology & Innovations in Compliance

The award recognizes innovative technologies that support power plants in achieving regulatory compliance, enhancing environmental performance, and ensuring safe and sustainable operations.

Criteria: Technology that enable power plants to mitigate environmental impacts, improve efficiency, and meet regulatory requirements effectively. 

Operations & Maintenance Compliance

The award-winning power plant should exhibit operational excellence in terms of efficiency, reliability, and performance. The recipient should demonstrate effective maintenance practices aimed at ensuring the reliability and integrity of plant equipment and infrastructure.

Criteria: Maximizing plant availability, optimizing energy production, minimizing downtime, and achieving high levels of equipment reliability through proactive maintenance practices, implementing preventive maintenance programs, conducting condition-based monitoring, performing equipment inspections, and addressing maintenance issues in a timely manner. 

Grid Compliance

The award recognizes power plants that demonstrate exemplary compliance with grid reliability standards and regulations while contributing to the stability, resilience, and efficiency of the electrical grid.

Criteria: Effectively integration with the grid, adhere to grid codes and operating procedures, and maintain high levels of reliability and performance. 

Disaster Management & Safety Compliance

Recognizes power plants that prioritize safety as a core value and demonstrate outstanding safety performance in their operations.

Criteria: Injury and incident rates, safety training programs, hazard identification and mitigation efforts, emergency response preparedness, and safety culture initiatives.

                      the WINNERS                                                         Important Dates

The Winners of The Regulatory Compliance Awards – 2024 shall be honored during the valedictory session of the conference on the second day i.e., 26 July 2024.



Online Registration

To participate as DELEGATE / nominate for AWARDS / be a SPEAKER fill and submit online form from the links below.


Receive Invoice

We will email you an digitally signed invoice along with necessary required documents for processing the payment. The original invoice (only on request) shall be sent to your postal address


Make Payment

Make online payment via our secured payment gateway using your credit card or NEFT or send Cheque / DD to our postal address.


Mentioned Residential fee is on Twin Share Room Basis at the conference venue

Residential participants shall be provided Twin Share Room for 2 nights
(Check In 24 July – 2 PM & Check Out 26 July - 11AM)

If a participant desires a Single Occupancy Room, then an additional amount of INR 15000 + 18% GST shall be charged on the respective registration fee


Indian Delegate:
INR 26500 + 18% GST
INR 36500 + 18% GST

Overseas Delegate:
USD 650
USD 900

Group Discount
5% for 3+ Participants
10% for 7+ Participants


Indian Company:
INR 32500 + 18% GST
42500+ 18% GST

Overseas Company:
USD 950
USD 1250

Category Discount
5% for 2+ categories
10% for 5+ categories


Indian Speaker:
INR 32500 + 18% GST
INR 42500 + 18% GST

Overseas Speaker:
USD 950
USD 1250

Who to Contact?

Sponsorship Support
S Dalvi

President Partnerships & Legal Counsel
+91 9769 310 944

Speaker Support
Janvion Rodrigues

Chief Operation Officer
+91 9992 830 831

Delegate / Awards Support
Umair Siddiqui

Asst. Manager Marketing
+91 7977 546 683

Delegate / Awards Support
Rohit Khanna

Asst. Manager Marketing
+91 8104 854 399

Invoice / Payment Support
Deepa Kanojia

Head Creatives & Admin
+91 9992 853 953


The Organisation
Mission Energy Foundation is a persistent, private, not-for-profit endeavour based in Mumbai, India. We are registered under sec 25 (1), 80G & 12AA respectively.

The Begining

A single man army with its mission to build platforms of discussion, exchange knowledge among industry professionals on core issues pertaining to growing energy sector.


Mission Energy Foundation is a micro-enterprise initiative that strives to spread knowledge in the globalising energy sector. We educate and spread technology awareness through ongoing contacts and discussions with the public and industry concerning what the future of the growing energy sector should be...

A human asset working together as one endeavour that expertise in organising and delivering successful international summits involving who's who from Entrepreneurs to Academicians to Government Authorities to Technology Providers to Consultants to Industry Professionals from the growing energy sector globally.


Hyatt Centric - Janakpuri, New Delhi
Janakpuri District Center, Janakpuri
New Delhi - 110058
+91 011 4612 1234

Mission Energy Foundation

(A Not-For-Profit Organisation)


003, B-16, Sector 1, Shanti Nagar
Mira Road (East), Thane
Maharashtra 401107