1st Edition

Green Finance Conference & Awards

25 - 26 July 2024
Hyatt Centric - New Delhi

Conference Theme
Accelerating Sustainability

India, as one of the world's fastest-growing economies, is increasingly recognizing the imperative of sustainable development. With rising environmental concerns and the need to mitigate climate change, there's a growing demand for green finance solutions across the nation. Here's a look at the factors driving this demand:

Government Initiatives
The Indian government has been proactive in promoting sustainable finance. Initiatives like the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a policy framework for green finance integration.

Renewable Energy Transition
India's ambitious renewable energy targets, including the goal of achieving 450 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2030, require substantial investments. Green finance plays a crucial role in funding renewable energy projects, such as solar and wind power installations.

Sustainable Infrastructure Development
With rapid urbanization and infrastructure expansion, there's a need for sustainable infrastructure projects. Green bonds and loans are increasingly being used to finance projects like metro systems, green buildings, and waste management facilities.

Corporate Sustainability Goals
Indian businesses are recognizing the importance of sustainability in their operations. Companies are seeking green finance to fund eco-friendly initiatives, such as energy-efficient technologies, waste reduction measures, and green supply chain management.

Investor Demand
Investors, both domestic and international, are showing a growing interest in environmentally sustainable projects. Green finance instruments offer attractive investment opportunities, driven by factors like potential for long-term returns, risk diversification, and alignment with ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) criteria.

Regulatory Support
Regulatory bodies like the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) have introduced guidelines and incentives to promote green finance instruments such as green bonds. These regulations provide clarity and assurance to investors and issuers alike.

Climate Risk Mitigation
With increasing climate-related risks, there's a need for financial products and services that address climate risk mitigation and adaptation. Green finance offers solutions such as climate risk insurance and resilience-focused investments. 

While the demand for green finance in India is on the rise, several challenges need to be addressed:

  • Awareness and Education: There's a need to raise awareness among stakeholders about the benefits and opportunities of green finance.
  • Market Development: The green finance market in India is still nascent and requires further development, including the establishment of standardized frameworks and metrics.
  • Access to Finance: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and grassroots initiatives often face challenges in accessing green finance due to lack of collateral and credit history.
  • Policy Coherence: Coherence between fiscal, monetary, and environmental policies is essential to create an enabling environment for green finance growth.

Despite these challenges, the demand for green finance in India presents significant opportunities for investors, businesses, and policymakers alike. By leveraging innovative financial mechanisms and fostering collaboration between various stakeholders, India can accelerate its transition towards a sustainable and resilient future.

India has been actively promoting green finance policies and initiatives to address environmental challenges, combat climate change, and promote sustainable development. Here are some key green finance policies and initiatives in India:

  • National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC): India launched the NAPCC in 2008, outlining various strategies and initiatives to address climate change across sectors. The plan includes eight national missions, such as the National Solar Mission, National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency, and National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture, which involve significant investments in green infrastructure and technologies.
  • Renewable Energy Targets: India has set ambitious targets for renewable energy deployment to increase the share of clean energy in its energy mix. The country aims to achieve 175 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy capacity by 2022, including 100 GW of solar, 60 GW of wind, 10 GW of biomass, and 5 GW of small hydropower.
  • Green Bonds: The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) introduced guidelines for green bonds in 2017 to promote investments in environmentally sustainable projects. Green bonds are debt instruments issued by corporations, financial institutions, or government agencies to finance green projects such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, clean transportation, and sustainable water management.
  • National Solar Mission (NSM): Launched in 2010, the NSM aims to promote the development of solar energy in India through various financial incentives, subsidies, and policy support. The mission includes targets for solar power generation capacity expansion, grid connectivity, and technology development to accelerate the adoption of solar energy.
  • Energy Efficiency Programs: The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) implements energy efficiency programs and standards to promote energy conservation and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Initiatives such as the Perform, Achieve, and Trade (PAT) scheme, Standards & Labeling Program, and Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) encourage energy-efficient practices and investments across industries, buildings, and appliances.
  • Green Infrastructure Investment: The Government of India has launched initiatives to attract investments in green infrastructure projects, including renewable energy, sustainable transportation, waste management, and water conservation. Public-private partnerships (PPPs), infrastructure development funds, and incentives such as tax breaks and subsidies are used to mobilize capital for green infrastructure investments.
  • National Clean Energy Fund (NCEF): Established in 2010, the NCEF aims to support clean energy projects and initiatives through financial assistance, grants, and concessional loans. The fund collects revenue from a cess imposed on coal production and is utilized to finance renewable energy projects, energy efficiency programs, and technology innovation in clean energy.
  • International Partnerships and Agreements: India collaborates with international organizations, development banks, and bilateral partners to mobilize funding and technical assistance for green finance initiatives. Partnerships such as the Green Climate Fund (GCF), World Bank, Asian Development Bank (ADB), and bilateral agreements with countries like Germany and France support India's efforts to implement green finance policies and projects.

These policies and initiatives demonstrate India's commitment to promoting green finance and transitioning towards a more sustainable and resilient economy. Continued efforts in this direction are essential to address climate change, improve environmental quality, and achieve inclusive and sustainable development goals.

the CONFERENCE & Focus Agenda

Green Finance 2024 is a 2-day conference to be held on 25 - 26 July 2024 at Hyatt Centric - New Delhi. This conference aims to bring together thought leaders, industry experts, policymakers, and stakeholders to drive discussions on the crucial role of finance in advancing environmental sustainability and addressing climate change challenges. Those interested in developing Green Projects will get access to the various financial schemes, funds and investment opportunities available.

Green Bonds

Green bonds are financial instruments specifically designed to raise capital for projects with environmental benefits. These projects typically focus on renewable energy, energy efficiency, pollution control, sustainable agriculture, green buildings, clean transportation, and other initiatives aimed at mitigating climate change and promoting environmental sustainability. Here's how green bonds work and their key features:

Purpose: Green bonds are issued to finance projects that have positive environmental impacts. The proceeds from green bonds are earmarked for investments in renewable energy infrastructure, energy-efficient buildings, sustainable transportation systems, climate adaptation initiatives, and other environmentally friendly projects.

Issuer: Green bonds can be issued by governments, municipalities, corporations, financial institutions, and other organizations. Governments may issue sovereign green bonds to fund national-level environmental projects, while corporations and financial institutions issue corporate green bonds to finance green initiatives within their operations.

Use of Proceeds:
One of the defining features of green bonds is the requirement that the proceeds are allocated exclusively to eligible green projects. Issuers typically provide a detailed framework or use-of-proceeds document outlining the types of projects that will be funded, along with reporting mechanisms to ensure transparency and accountability.

Certification and Verification: Green bonds may undergo certification or verification by independent third-party organizations to ensure compliance with recognized green finance standards and principles. Certifications such as the Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI) Certification or the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) Green Bond Principles provide assurance to investors regarding the environmental integrity of the bonds.

Reporting and Transparency: Issuers of green bonds are often required to provide regular reporting on the use of proceeds and the environmental impact of funded projects. This helps investors assess the effectiveness of their investments in achieving environmental objectives and promotes transparency in green finance markets.

Investor Demand: Green bonds appeal to investors seeking to align their investment portfolios with environmental and sustainability goals. Institutional investors, asset managers, pension funds, and socially responsible investors (SRIs) are among the key investors in the green bond market. Demand for green bonds has been growing rapidly in recent years, reflecting increasing awareness of environmental issues and the desire for sustainable investment opportunities.

Market Growth: The green bond market has experienced significant growth since its inception, with issuance volumes increasing steadily. Governments, corporations, and financial institutions worldwide are tapping into the green bond market to raise capital for environmentally beneficial projects. The development of green bond frameworks, guidelines, and standards has helped standardize market practices and facilitate investor confidence.
Overall, green bonds play a crucial role in mobilizing capital for sustainable development and accelerating the transition to a low-carbon and climate-resilient economy. By channeling investments towards green projects, green bonds contribute to environmental protection, climate mitigation, and the achievement of global sustainability goals. 

Green Project Finance

Green project finance refers to the provision of funding for projects that have positive environmental impacts or contribute to sustainability objectives. These projects typically involve investments in renewable energy, energy efficiency, clean transportation, green buildings, waste management, and other initiatives aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, conserving natural resources, and promoting environmental sustainability. Here's an overview of green project finance:

Project Identification: The first step in green project finance is identifying projects that align with environmental objectives. These projects should have clear environmental benefits, such as reducing carbon emissions, improving energy efficiency, or promoting sustainable practices.

Financial Structuring: Once a green project is identified, financial institutions work with project developers to structure the financing arrangement. This involves assessing the project's financial viability, risks, and potential returns. Financial structuring may involve a combination of debt, equity, grants, subsidies, and other financial instruments tailored to the specific needs of the project.

Risk Assessment: Green project finance involves evaluating the risks associated with the project, including technical, financial, regulatory, and environmental risks. Financial institutions conduct due diligence to assess the project's feasibility, environmental impact, and compliance with relevant regulations and standards.

Financing Options: Green projects can be financed through various sources, including commercial banks, development banks, private equity investors, venture capital firms, impact investors, and government agencies. Financing options may include project finance, corporate finance, green bonds, grants, loans, and other forms of capital.

Environmental Impact Assessment: As part of the financing process, green projects undergo environmental impact assessments to evaluate their potential environmental and social impacts. Environmental assessments help identify and mitigate potential risks, ensure compliance with environmental regulations, and enhance the project's sustainability.

Certification and Standards: Green projects may adhere to certification standards and guidelines to demonstrate their environmental integrity and compliance with best practices. Certifications such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method), and ISO 14001 provide assurance to investors and stakeholders regarding the project's environmental performance.

Financial Incentives: Governments and international organizations may provide financial incentives and subsidies to support green projects. These incentives may include tax credits, grants, rebates, feed-in tariffs, carbon credits, and other financial mechanisms designed to encourage investment in environmentally beneficial projects.

Monitoring and Reporting: Once financing is secured, green projects are monitored and evaluated to track their environmental performance, financial viability, and social impact. Regular monitoring and reporting help ensure that projects meet their sustainability goals, comply with regulatory requirements, and deliver expected returns to investors.

Overall, green project finance plays a critical role in mobilizing capital for sustainable development and accelerating the transition to a low-carbon and environmentally responsible economy. By financing green projects, financial institutions, investors, and governments contribute to environmental protection, climate mitigation, and the achievement of global sustainability goals.

Voluntary Carbon Markets

Voluntary carbon markets are platforms where individuals, organizations, and businesses can voluntarily buy and sell carbon credits or offsets to compensate for their greenhouse gas emissions. Unlike compliance markets, where carbon trading is mandatory under government-regulated schemes like cap-and-trade systems, voluntary markets operate based on voluntary participation and are not legally binding. Here's how voluntary carbon markets typically work:

Carbon Credits and Offsets: Carbon credits represent one metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) that has been reduced, avoided, or removed from the atmosphere through an eligible project. These projects can include renewable energy installations, energy efficiency improvements, reforestation initiatives, methane capture projects, and others that result in verifiable emissions reductions or removals.

Project Development and Certification: Project developers implement carbon reduction or removal projects and seek certification from recognized standards or third-party verification bodies. Common standards for voluntary carbon projects include the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), Gold Standard, Climate Action Reserve (CAR), and others. These standards ensure that projects meet rigorous criteria for additionality, quantification, verification, and permanence of emissions reductions.

Carbon Credit Issuance: Once a project is verified and certified, carbon credits are issued based on the verified emissions reductions or removals achieved. Each carbon credit represents one ton of CO2e that has been effectively mitigated by the project. These credits are typically serialized and registered in a central registry to ensure transparency and prevent double-counting.

Marketplace and Trading Platforms: Voluntary carbon credits are traded on various marketplaces and trading platforms, both online and offline. These platforms facilitate transactions between buyers and sellers, providing transparency, liquidity, and price discovery for carbon credits. Buyers purchase carbon credits to offset their own emissions or demonstrate environmental stewardship, while sellers monetize the emissions reductions generated by their projects.

Types of Buyers: Buyers in voluntary carbon markets can include individuals, corporations, governments, nonprofit organizations, and other entities seeking to mitigate their carbon footprint or support climate action initiatives. Some companies purchase carbon credits as part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts, while others use them to achieve carbon neutrality or meet sustainability targets.

Additionality and Integrity: Ensuring additionality, integrity, and environmental effectiveness of carbon credits is critical in voluntary markets. Additionality refers to the concept that emissions reductions or removals achieved by a project would not have occurred without the revenue generated from the sale of carbon credits. Robust project selection criteria, rigorous methodologies, and independent verification help maintain the integrity of voluntary carbon credits.

Price Determination: Carbon credit prices in voluntary markets are influenced by supply and demand dynamics, project quality, certification standards, and market sentiment. Prices can vary widely depending on factors such as project type, vintage year, geographic location, and co-benefits associated with the project. Market participants engage in price negotiations and transactions based on their specific preferences and requirements.

Co-Benefits and Sustainable Development: Many voluntary carbon projects deliver co-benefits beyond emissions reductions, such as biodiversity conservation, community development, poverty alleviation, and sustainable livelihoods. Buyers may prioritize projects that deliver positive social, environmental, and economic impacts in addition to carbon mitigation. Co-benefits are often quantified and communicated to enhance the attractiveness of carbon credits in voluntary markets.

Overall, voluntary carbon markets play a crucial role in mobilizing private sector investment in climate mitigation and sustainable development efforts. While voluntary offsets are not a substitute for comprehensive climate action and emissions reduction measures, they can complement regulatory mechanisms and support the transition to a low-carbon economy. Continued efforts to enhance transparency, credibility, and effectiveness of voluntary carbon markets are essential to maximize their contribution to global climate goals.

Green Funds

Green funds, also known as environmental or sustainable funds, are investment vehicles that focus on companies, projects, and initiatives with positive environmental impacts. These funds seek to generate financial returns while promoting sustainability, mitigating climate change, and addressing environmental challenges. Here are some key characteristics and types of green funds:

Investment Focus: Green funds invest in companies and projects that prioritize environmental sustainability across various sectors, including renewable energy, clean technology, energy efficiency, sustainable agriculture, water management, waste management, and green infrastructure. These investments aim to support businesses that demonstrate strong environmental performance, resource efficiency, and commitment to sustainability practices.

Environmental Criteria: Green funds typically apply environmental criteria or sustainability screens to select investments that align with their environmental objectives. These criteria may include factors such as carbon footprint, greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, waste management practices, biodiversity conservation, renewable energy adoption, and environmental certifications.

Positive Screening: Green funds employ positive screening techniques to identify companies and projects with leading environmental performance and sustainability practices. They seek investments in businesses that actively contribute to environmental protection, climate mitigation, and sustainable development, while avoiding industries with significant environmental risks or negative impacts, such as fossil fuels, mining, and heavy manufacturing.
Integration of ESG Factors: Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations are integrated into the investment process of green funds to assess the sustainability performance and risk profile of potential investments. ESG analysis evaluates how companies manage environmental risks, engage with stakeholders, uphold ethical standards, and demonstrate strong corporate governance practices.

Diversification: Green funds offer diversified portfolios of environmentally sustainable investments across different asset classes, regions, and sectors to manage risk and enhance returns. They may invest in a combination of equities, fixed income securities, green bonds, renewable energy projects, sustainable infrastructure, and other environmentally focused assets to achieve a balanced and resilient investment portfolio.
Performance and Financial Returns: Green funds aim to deliver competitive financial returns while advancing environmental objectives. Studies have shown that companies with strong environmental performance and sustainability practices tend to outperform their peers over the long term, suggesting that green investing can be financially rewarding as well as environmentally beneficial.

Transparency and Reporting: Green funds prioritize transparency and reporting on environmental impacts, sustainability metrics, and ESG performance of their investments. They provide investors with regular updates on portfolio holdings, environmental outcomes, carbon footprint reductions, and other relevant information to demonstrate accountability and build trust.

Investor Demand: Growing investor demand for sustainable and responsible investments has fueled the expansion of green funds globally. Institutional investors, asset managers, pension funds, endowments, foundations, and individual investors are increasingly allocating capital to green funds to align their investment portfolios with their values, goals, and sustainability objectives.

Examples of green funds include mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), index funds, and specialized investment vehicles dedicated to environmental sustainability and impact investing. These funds play a vital role in mobilizing capital towards environmentally beneficial projects and advancing the transition to a low-carbon, sustainable economy. 

Social Stock Exchange

A Social Stock Exchange (SSE) is a specialized platform that facilitates the trading of securities issued by socially and environmentally responsible companies and organizations. These exchanges operate with a focus on impact investing and aim to connect investors seeking to generate positive social or environmental outcomes with issuers committed to addressing pressing social and environmental challenges. Here are some key characteristics and features of Social Stock Exchanges:
Mission and Objectives: The primary mission of a Social Stock Exchange is to promote social and environmental impact investing by providing a transparent and regulated marketplace for securities issued by mission-driven companies and organizations. These exchanges aim to channel capital towards businesses and initiatives that generate measurable social, environmental, and financial returns.

Impact Criteria: Social Stock Exchanges apply specific impact criteria or eligibility requirements to determine which securities are listed on the exchange. These criteria may include factors such as social impact, environmental sustainability, community benefit, ethical governance, transparency, and accountability. Issuers must demonstrate a commitment to creating positive social or environmental outcomes in addition to financial viability.

Types of Securities: Social Stock Exchanges facilitate the trading of various types of securities, including equities, bonds, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and other financial instruments issued by socially responsible companies, social enterprises, nonprofits, cooperatives, and impact-driven organizations. These securities may represent ownership stakes in businesses, debt obligations, or investment funds focused on specific impact themes.

Transparency and Reporting: Social Stock Exchanges prioritize transparency and reporting on the social and environmental impact of listed securities. Issuers are required to disclose relevant information about their social mission, impact metrics, sustainability practices, and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) performance to investors and stakeholders. Regular reporting helps investors assess the effectiveness of their investments in generating positive impact.

Investor Demand: Social Stock Exchanges cater to a growing demand from investors seeking to align their investment portfolios with their values, ethics, and sustainability objectives. Institutional investors, asset managers, pension funds, family offices, foundations, and individual investors are increasingly interested in impact investing opportunities offered by Social Stock Exchanges.

Regulatory Oversight: Social Stock Exchanges operate under regulatory oversight to ensure compliance with securities laws, investor protection standards, and market integrity principles. Regulatory authorities may establish specific rules and regulations governing the listing, trading, disclosure, and supervision of securities traded on Social Stock Exchanges to safeguard investor interests and maintain market confidence.

Global Initiatives: Several countries and regions have launched initiatives to establish Social Stock Exchanges or similar platforms to promote impact investing and sustainable finance. These initiatives may involve collaboration between government agencies, financial regulators, stock exchanges, impact investment networks, and civil society organizations to create a supportive ecosystem for social and environmental finance.

Market Development: The development of Social Stock Exchanges contributes to the growth and mainstreaming of impact investing as an integral part of the global financial system. These exchanges play a vital role in mobilizing capital towards addressing social and environmental challenges, fostering innovation, driving positive change, and building a more sustainable and inclusive economy.

Examples of Social Stock Exchanges include the Impact Investment Exchange (IIX) in Singapore, the Social Stock Exchange (SSX) in London, the Borsa Italiana's Social Impact segment in Italy and most recently the Social Stock Exchange (SSE) in India. These platforms serve as important vehicles for advancing the goals of sustainable development, responsible investing, and social entrepreneurship on a global scale.

Sustainability Project Reports

Sustainability project reports are comprehensive documents that outline the objectives, methodologies, findings, outcomes, and impacts of sustainability initiatives undertaken by organizations. These reports serve as a means of transparently communicating the environmental, social, and economic performance of projects aimed at advancing sustainability goals. Here's an overview of key components typically included in sustainability project reports:

Introduction and Background: This section provides an overview of the project, including its purpose, scope, objectives, and background context. It may also outline the organization's commitment to sustainability and its rationale for undertaking the project.

Project Goals and Objectives: Clear and measurable goals and objectives are defined to articulate what the project aims to achieve in terms of sustainability outcomes. These goals may relate to environmental conservation, social equity, economic development, or other dimensions of sustainability.

Methodology and Approach: The methodology section describes the approach, tools, techniques, and data sources used to implement and evaluate the project. It may include details on research methods, data collection processes, stakeholder engagement strategies, and analytical frameworks employed.

Key Findings and Results: This section presents the main findings, results, and performance metrics generated through the project. It highlights achievements, milestones reached, challenges encountered, and lessons learned during the implementation process. Data, statistics, and qualitative insights may be used to illustrate project outcomes.

Environmental Impact Assessment: For projects with significant environmental implications, an assessment of environmental impacts may be included. This assessment evaluates the project's effects on air quality, water resources, biodiversity, land use, energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and other environmental factors.

Social Impact Assessment: Similarly, projects with social dimensions may undergo a social impact assessment to evaluate their effects on communities, stakeholders, and vulnerable populations. This assessment examines issues such as social equity, human rights, labor practices, community engagement, and socio-economic development.

Economic Analysis: An economic analysis may be conducted to assess the financial viability, cost-effectiveness, and economic benefits of the project. This analysis may include a breakdown of project costs, return on investment (ROI) calculations, cost-benefit analysis, and financial projections.

Lessons Learned and Best Practices: Insights gained from project implementation are documented as lessons learned and best practices. These reflections highlight successful strategies, innovative approaches, and areas for improvement that can inform future sustainability initiatives.

Recommendations and Next Steps:
Based on project findings and lessons learned, recommendations are provided for future action and improvement. This may include suggestions for policy changes, program enhancements, capacity building efforts, or further research needed to address sustainability challenges.

Conclusion: The conclusion summarizes the main findings, reiterates the project's significance, and emphasizes its contribution to advancing sustainability goals. It may also reflect on the broader implications of the project and its alignment with organizational values and strategic objectives.

References and Appendices: Any references, data sources, methodologies, or supplementary materials referenced in the report are listed in the references section or included as appendices for further detail.

Sustainability project reports play a crucial role in documenting, evaluating, and disseminating the outcomes of sustainability initiatives, fostering accountability, transparency, and continuous improvement in organizational sustainability performance. 

Why Should You Attend?

India's only conference on Green Finance
Special focus on Energy Production.
Opportunity to meet all stakeholders in the Green Finance, Green Projects, Green Energy ecosystem.
2 Days of Value Packed Interactive Sessions
Exclusive Green Finance Awards
25+ Technical Presentations
4+ Industry Case Studies
100+ Participants

Who Shall Attend?

Regulators & Policy Makers
Finance Department of Organisations
Investment Funds
Banks & Insurance
Credit Unions
Industry Bodies and Business Chambers
Research Institutes & Academia
Technocrats & Consultants

Topics Covered

Government Policies & Initiatives
Industry Challenges
Green Bonds
Green Project Finance
Voluntary Carbon Markets
Green Funds
Social Stock Exchange
Sustainability Project Reports

Sponsor Now!

Sponsoring this Green Finance 2024 will make your company stand out as a leader in this burgeoning industry and will leave a strong impression of your brand in key decision makers minds. Sponsors have an incredible amount of presence and it will not only give your company optimum exposure but also the opportunity for delegates to meet you and your executives to find out more about your role and business opportunities in the sector.

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Obtain DIRECT ACCESS to potential clients during and after with our meticulously prepared confidential delegate list
Receive a KEY SPEAKING POSITION to address an audience of top executives and decision makers from the industry
Create PERMANENT REMINDERS of your product or services in conference documentation
Profile yourself as INDUSTRIAL LEADER, as your corporate logo and profile will be featured prominently in event marketing collaterals
NETWORKING with the industries leading Government Officials, Senior Level Delegates and Experts
Achieve GREATER EXPOSURE and BRAND BUILDING through our partners and much more

Sponsorship Enquiries

S Dalvi

President Partnerships & Legal Counsel
+91 9769 310 944


INR 745000 / USD 9950

7 Delegate Passes
Logo on Brochure Cover Page
Logo on Brochure Inside Page
Logo on Conference Backdrop
Logo on Registration Desk Backdrop
Logo on Conference Website
Corporate Banner in Networking Area
Merchandise Distribution
Screening of Company Film
Circulation of Company Literature
Thanking Announcements
Speaking Opportunity - Day 1
Panel Discussion Moderator
Exhibit Space (6x2 Mtr.)

POWERING sponsor

INR 645000 / USD 8950

5 Delegate Passes
Logo on Brochure Cover Page
Logo on Brochure Inside Page
Logo on Conference Backdrop
Logo on Registration Desk Backdrop
Logo on Conference Website
Banner in Networking Area
Merchandise Distribution
Screening of Company Film
Circulation of Company Literature
Thanking Announcements
Speaking Opportunity - Day 2
Panel Discussion Panelist
Exhibit Space (3x2 Mtr.) 


INR 545000 / USD 7950

3 Delegate Passes
Logo on Brochure Cover Page
Logo on Conference Backdrop
Logo on Conference Website
Circulation of Company Literature
Thanking Announcements
Panel Discussion Panelist


INR 445000 / USD 6950

3 Delegate Passes
Logo on Brochure Cover Page
Logo on Conference Backdrop
Logo on Conference Website
Circulation of Company Literature
Thanking Announcements
Panel Discussion Panelist


INR 345000 / USD 5950

1 Delegate Passes
Logo on Brochure Cover Page
Logo on Conference Website
Circulation of Company Literature
Thanking Announcements

DOCUMENT sponsor

INR 245000 / USD 4950

Logo on Conference Backdrop
Logo on Conference Website
Thanking Announcements

Draft Agenda

Thursday, 25 July 2024

09.00 Hrs – 10.00 Hrs
Registration & Welcome Tea

10.00 Hrs – 10.30Hrs
Rajasree Ray, Economic Advisor -
Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change

10.30 Hrs – 11.00Hrs
Chandni Raina, Economic Adviser (Climate Change Finance Unit - Department Of Economic Affairs) -
Ministry of Finance

11.00  Hrs – 11.30 Hrs
Networking Tea Break

11.30 Hrs – 12.00 Hrs
Dhruba Purkayastha, Director - Climate Policy Initiative
12:00 - 12:30
Sunil Dayal, Energy & Climate Finance Expert - World Bank

12:30 - 13:00
TBA - Asian Development Bank

13.00 Hrs – 14.00 Hrs
Networking Lunch Break

14:00 – 14:30
Rajiv Kumar, GM - SIDBI

14:30 – 15:00
Dinesh Poolakkunnath, CGM - NABARD

15:00 – 15:30
Vishal Banthia, CFO - Indo Enviro Integrated Solutions Private Limited

15:30 - 16:00
TBA - Yes Bank

16.00 Hrs – 16.30 Hrs
Networking Tea Break

16:30 Hrs - 17:30 Hrs
Panel Discussion: What are the rules and regulations required in order to avoid “Green Washing”?

18:00 Hrs
Networking Cocktail Snacks* & End of Day 1

Friday, 26 July 2024

09.00 Hrs – 10.00 Hrs
Registration & Welcome Tea

10.00 Hrs – 11.00Hrs
Panel Discussion: 

11.00 Hrs – 11.30 Hrs
Networking Tea Break

11:30 - 12:00
Dr. R Balasubramaniam, Chairman - Social Stock Exchange Advisory Committee - SEBI

12:00 - 12:30
Abhay Bakre, Director General - Bureau of Energy Efficiency

12:30 - 13:00

13.00 Hrs – 14.00 Hrs
Networking Lunch Break

14:00 – 14:30

14:30 – 15:00
Sanjay Dubey, Chairperson - Rewa Ultra Mega Solar Limited

15:00 – 15:30
Samir Ashta, CFO - CLP Group

15:30 - 16:00

16.00 Hrs – 16.30 Hrs
Networking Tea Break

16:30 - 17:30
Award Ceremony: Green Finance Awards – 2024

17:30 Hrs
Vote of Thanks & End of Conference

Green Finance Awards 2024

Green Finance Awards - 2024 shall recognise outstanding environmental and community relations efforts that go above and beyond what is required. Submissions from plants across the country shall be evaluated and recognized for environmental & energy efficiency efforts completed in FY 2023-24

Important Dates

  • 20 May 2024
  • 1100 Hrs - Nomination Opens
  •  28 June 2024 
  • 1700 Hrs - Nomination Closes
  •  26 July 2024 
  •   Winners Shall be Honoured  


  • The Winners of Green Finance Awards - 2024 shall be honored during the valedictory session of the conference on the second second day.
  • i.e., 26 July 2024

Evaluation Process

A 10 slide presentation must be submitted detailing the work done under the selected award category within a week from the date of online registration. Please attach copies of all supporting documents of claims made in the presentation. Only commissioned and live projects will be considered.

Award Categories

Green Finance Award - 2024 categories recognize excellence and innovation in various aspects of sustainable finance, including environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices, impact investing, and climate finance. These awards celebrate organizations, projects, products, and individuals that demonstrate leadership, commitment, and positive impact in advancing sustainable finance and responsible investment. 

These award categories reflect the diverse aspects of green finance and sustainable investing, honouring achievements across different sectors, themes, and stakeholder groups. By recognizing exemplary practices and innovations, green finance awards inspire industry-wide collaboration and drive positive change towards a more sustainable and inclusive financial system.

Renewable Energy 

Celebrates successful financing of large-scale renewable energy projects, such as solar farms, wind farms, hydroelectric plants, or geothermal facilities, that significantly contribute to clean energy generation and greenhouse gas reduction.

Criteria: Project size, investment scale, financial viability, and project impact.

Green Project

This category honors projects or initiatives that have made a significant positive impact on local communities, particularly in underserved or marginalized areas. 

Criteria: Community engagement, social inclusion, poverty alleviation, and empowerment of vulnerable populations.

Green Bioenergy 

Celebrates successful financing of large-scale bioenergy projects, such as biomass power plants, biogas facilities, or biofuel production facilities, that contribute significantly to renewable energy generation and greenhouse gas reduction.

Criteria: Project size, investment scale, financial viability, and project impact.

Green Financing

This category recognize banks, insurance companies, funds, investors and financial institutions that have demonstrated leadership in integrating sustainability into their core business operations, products, and services.

Criteria: ESG risk management, sustainable lending practices, financial inclusion initiatives, and climate-related disclosures. 

Green Technology

This category celebrates innovative technologies, solutions, or products that contribute to environmental sustainability, resource efficiency, and climate resilience. Awards will be given to startups, research institutions, or companies developing breakthrough technologies in renewable energy, clean transportation, circular economy, etc.  

Criteria: Uniqueness, magnitude of impact, sector, beneficiaries, challenges endured.

Sustainability Reporting

This category acknowledges companies that excel in transparency and disclosure of their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance through sustainability reports.

Criteria: Completeness, credibility, alignment with global reporting frameworks (e.g., GRI, SASB, TCFD), and communication of sustainability goals and initiatives. 



Online Registration

To participate as DELEGATE / nominate for AWARDS / be a SPEAKER fill and submit online form from the links below.


Receive Invoice

We will email you an digitally signed invoice along with necessary required documents for processing the payment. The original invoice (only on request) shall be sent to your postal address


Make Payment

Make online payment via our secured payment gateway using your credit card or NEFT or send Cheque / DD to our postal address.


Mentioned Residential fee is on Twin Share Room Basis at the conference venue

Residential participants shall be provided Twin Share Room for 2 nights. 
(Check In 24 July – 2 PM & Check Out 26 July - 11AM)

If a participant desires a Single Occupancy Room, then an additional amount of INR 15000 + 18% GST shall be charged on the respective registration fee



Online Registration

Indian Delegate:
INR 26500 + 18% GST
INR 36500 + 18% GST

Overseas Delegate:
USD 650
USD 900

Group Discount
5% for 3+ Participants
10% for 7+ Participants


Receive Invoice

Indian Company:
INR 32500 + 18% GST
42500+ 18% GST

Overseas Company:
USD 950
USD 1250

Category Discount
5% for 2+ categories
10% for 5+ categories


Make Payment

Indian Speaker:
INR 32500 + 18% GST
INR 42500 + 18% GST

Overseas Speaker:
USD 950
USD 1250

Who to Contact?

Sponsorship Support
S Dalvi

President Partnerships & Legal Counsel
+91 9769 310 944

Speaker Support
Janvion Rodrigues

Chief Operation Officer
+91 9992 830 831

Delegate / Awards Support
Salman Markar

Asst. Manager Marketing
+91 9820 814 644

Delegate / Awards Support
Shrihari Bhat

Project Manager
+91 9819 984 644

Invoice / Payment Support
Deepa Kanojia

Head Creatives & Admin
+91 9992 853 953


The Organisation
Mission Energy Foundation is a persistent, private, not-for-profit endeavour based in Mumbai, India. We are registered under sec 25 (1), 80G & 12AA respectively.

The Begining

A single man army with its mission to build platforms of discussion, exchange knowledge among industry professionals on core issues pertaining to growing energy sector.


Mission Energy Foundation is a micro-enterprise initiative that strives to spread knowledge in the globalising energy sector. We educate and spread technology awareness through ongoing contacts and discussions with the public and industry concerning what the future of the growing energy sector should be...

A human asset working together as one endeavour that expertise in organising and delivering successful international summits involving who's who from Entrepreneurs to Academicians to Government Authorities to Technology Providers to Consultants to Industry Professionals from the growing energy sector globally.


Hyatt Centric - Janakpuri, New Delhi
Janakpuri District Center, Janakpuri
New Delhi - 110058
+91 011 4612 1234

Mission Energy Foundation

(A Not-For-Profit Organisation)


003, B-16, Sector 1, Shanti Nagar
Mira Road (East), Thane
Maharashtra 401107
Mission Energy Foundation