As world energy demand continues to grow, it is ever more important that the environment is safeguarded and that energy production and use become sustainable. Renewable energy will, in the longer term, play a significant role. In the meantime, we continue to rely on traditional resources, including fossil fuels, which must be exploited using advanced, cleaner, technologies.
GASIFICATION can only reduce India's dependence upon imported oil for transport fuels, reducing our import bill by a third. India's transport sector will become carbon-neutral and hence, can become a leader in the battle against climate change.
GASIFICATION enables a wide range of energy sources including coal, biomass and residual oils to be converted into environmentally-friendly chemicals and fuels. Most of the effluents normally created in atmospheric burning plants are caught before combustion and converted into useful by-products, or captured for safe storage.
The important key components of GASIFICATION cover: abundant resources and deposits of coal, demand for clean energy, wide range of biomass / waste feedstock, recover energy locked in biomass and municipal solid waste, eliminating incineration of landfilling and produce electricity with significantly reduced environmental impact compared to conventional technologies. The increase inurbanization and the population living in cities and towns, and the rise in the price of oil, have put pressure on traditional energy supplies, and have helped drive the gasification dramatically over the years. The failure to acquire current energy and power resources, lack of alternatives to gasification, increasing industrialization by exploiting natural resources, and acceptance of governments to invest in R&D of gasifier plants, has increased the gasification demand.