Friday, 23 September 2016
10:00 Hrs Conference Registration
Inaugural Welcome Address
Shri Upendra Tripathy, Secretary - MNRE
Keynote Address
Shri Tarun Kapoor, Jt. Secretrary - MNRE
Energy Security and Reduced Dependence on Fossil Fuels
Shri Bipin Shirmali, MD - MAHAGENCO & Principal Sec Energy
(Addl. Charge) - Govt. of Maharashtra
Regulatory and Policy Drivers to Advance Renewable Energy
Shri Nitin Gadre, Director General - MEDA
Vote of Thanks
Shri Ashwinkumar Khatri, DG – Mission Energy Foundation
Area of Discussion Includes: Growth and business opportunities for the sector; Mainstreaming Solar; RE technology development and commercialization; India’s proximity allowing for easy import of technology and products; Collaboration in energy technology to secure future supplies, fostering a sustainable local industry.
Invited Speakers:
Shri Amit Kumar Mittal, Technical Director - First Solar
Shri N Venkataraman, Promoter - Solartherm Energy Ventures
Shri Sandeep Koppikar, CTO - Waaree Energies Limited
Area of Discussion Includes:Enhancing quality of products and R&D efforts by connecting entrepreneurs with technology capabilities; Latest technology trends in solar cells and modules; Manufacturing of critical raw materials and components; PV Installation- Steps to ensure reliability; Advantage of high quality solar panels; High quality proven inverters; Solar mounting solutions.
Invited Speakers:
Shri Hiren Shah, Sr. Director - Energy Storage Solutions – Delta Power Solutions
Shri Sriparn Saurabh, Engineering Leader for Energy & power technology – UL India
Shri B M Shah, DE, SLDC – GETCO
Shri Ajay Kumar Khanna, Chief Technology Officer – Titlis Energy Pvt Ltd
Area of Discussion Includes:Strategising the right mix of policies, technology and business models; Rooftop solar challenges and emerging solutions; Solar Home Systems and net metering; Off grid solutions- Making a difference; Solar lighting, water pumps, solar powered mobiles. Providing electrification through mini grids at competitive costs to consumers.
Invited Speakers:
Shri Nikunj Ghodawat – CleanMax Solar
Shri Ojasvi Gupta – Amplus Energy Solutions Pvt Ltd
Saturday, 24 September 2016
09:30 Hrs Conference Registration
Area of Discussion Includes:Innovative financing options; How to structure renewable projects to optimise financing and mitigate risks; What terms to expect for different types of solar projects; The checklist to follow at the project development stage to ensure easy financing of RE projects.
Invited Speakers:
Shri Sandeep Patil, AVP -Finance Equity – Essel Infra Projects Limited
Shri Gireesh Shrimali, Director – Climate Policy Initiative (CPI)
Area of Discussion Includes:Role of DISCOMs & Land Acquisition; Regulatory issues in solar Power Plant / Solar Park; Status of Project Implementation in the key States; Implementation issues & New Sourcing of Financing of RE Project / Consolidation of Sector.
Invited Speakers:
Shri Gajanan Joshi, Head-Business Development (Solar Business) - Aditya Birla Group
Shri Ashish Saraf, MD - Novus Renewables Pvt Ltd
Shri Shaheedul Hasan, Chief Operating Officer - Solarism-KPI Global Infrastructure Ltd
Area of Discussion Includes:Domestic Solar PV – Prospect and Challenges; Present Scenario entire value chain for Manufacturing of solar sector; Look forward, Present capacity and addition; Start Up in Renewable Energy and Technology transfer for efficiency of solar equipment.
Moderated By: Shri Gireesh Shrimali, Director – Climate Policy Initiative (CPI)
Shri George Mathew, Chief Executive Officer - TeamSustain Limited
Shri Sunil Jain, CEO & ED - Hero Future Energies
Shri Shaheedul Hasan, Chief Operating Officer - Solarism-KPI Global Infrastructure Ltd
The Solar Innovation & Excellence Award will be introduced at RISE 2016, honouring innovative products and solutions for better development of the solar industry in the years to come ahead...
Solar Innovation & Excellence Award will be presented each year by the organizers of Roadmap for Innovation in Solar Energy (RISE) with the support of industry associations. Over the years, the award will give solar companies a unique platform to distinguish themselves from the competition and prove just how innovative they really are.
END OF DAY 2, Look forward Meeting you at RISE 2017